Safe communication and event management in a single application



Your community lets you manage your events, members and policies



  • Events and members are managed within your community
  • Your community policies define the roles of individuals for all events
  • A community can add and manage any number of active members
  • A community can manage any number of active and planned events


  • Members can be added manually, from contacts or by scanning their phone
  • Each member has a unique join code which they use online or in the app
  • Codes can be read, printed, emailed or presented as a QR code
  • A community can also generate a single unique code that can be used to join
  • Member profiles are verified by your community

Mobile management

  • Small numbers of members and events can be created and managed from the app

Larger scale

  • Larger events can also use the web interface
  • Provides more options for managing events, participants and members at scale
  • Communities can allocate equipment or stock items to an event from their inventory

Event management

Tangles helps to manage the event lifecycle, including event invites, sign up and check-in of participants


Event profiles

  • Event descriptions and location details provide information to participants
  • Event profiles are visible to invited participants or members can be allowed to sign up themselves
  • Members can request to loan or purchase stock items from the event inventory to use during the event
  • Images and event specific logos can be uploaded to the profile before and during an event
Create Form


  • A Community can create forms to collect information about their members as well as circulate information about the community itself and obtain agreement or consent.
  • Capture and store essential information for your members and events directly in the system
  • Canvass your members or event participants to gather feed back to support community growth
  • Configure bespoke mandatory or optional forms to fit to all your community and event needs


  • Teams can be created within an event, each with it's own optional chat group
  • Participants can belong to multiple teams
  • Team members can customise their own team profile
  • Images from an associated group chat can be automatically loaded to the team profile if desired


  • Add participants to an event directly from your community member list or allow them to sign up
  • Users immediately see the event appear on their home screen
  • Add new participants directly to an event by scanning their phone
  • Add a new member directly to an event and your community by scanning their phone

Verified participants

  • All participants are verified before they can join an event
  • Each participant has a validated profile
  • Personal details are verified against those held by your community
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  • Community and event specific roles provide control over information access and management
  • Templates for common community types provide standard roles

Event facilitators

  • Adult event facilitators can participate in the event-wide chat group
  • Your community's youth safeguarding rules are enforced
  • Leads can also communicate in any team chat
  • Participants can see the event wide messages in their team message view without switching

Participant check-in

  • Manage the arrival and check-in process with no paper
  • Checking in to an event is as simple as scanning the participant device
  • An event lead verifies or creates a current photo id of the participant

Participant checklists

  • An event may have any number of checklists during check-in
  • Checklists may be completed in any order by any event lead
  • A participant is checked in when all checklists are signed off
  • For large events, summary graphs can show you how your participants respond

Incident Reporting

Detail any incident that occurs during an event and record the actions taken directly onto the participant record. Examples include those relating to First Aid or behavioural incidents.

Records are time stamped and remain on a members' community profile record for future reference where needed.

Locked for editing, entries provide a good source of information for future event management and risk assessment.

Menu Final

Menu planning

Participant dietary needs are collated in the one area to support choice of meals and numbers required for each day of a community event

System reporting flags the dietary needs for each day of an event and notes the individual participants' needs


Medication Administration

System reporting flags which participants need medication on a set day throughout the event and whether it has already been administered.

The system records and time stamps the medicine administered and by whom.

Regular medication is pre-populated from the participants existing profile record to avoid inputting multiple entries repeatedly.

Secure communication


Group chat

  • Any number of chat group bubbles can be created for your community
  • Communication takes place within community bubbles, event or team group chats
  • 1:1 communications is prevented for youth communities
  • The full chat history is avaialble to any participant joining at any time

Secure and transparent

  • Secure but transparent end to end communications, visible to all participants
  • Chat authentication uses secure keys that never leave your device

Event based communication


Event wide chat

  • Each event can have an event-wide group chat for its participants and a separate one for parents of participants
  • Participants can stay connected throughout the event with the latest updates or actions live to their mobile devices.
  • Only invited participants of the event can join a chat
  • Participants cannot communicate once the event is complete

Pre-event chat

  • Verified participants can optionally communicate prior to an event
  • This allows teams to prepare and plan online before the event itself
  • Facilitators can post alerts for participants with check-in requirements and forms ahead of the event
  • For youth events, an optional parent chat can also be created to communicate prior to the event

Route planning and tracking


Route planning

  • As an organiser or participant, create orienteering or hike waypoints
  • Decide whether waypoints must be visited in order
  • Mark boundaries, safety and facilitites markers on the map
  • Individuals or teams can create multiple routes using the waypoints
  • View and print maps using OpenStreetMap or UK Ordnance Survey EPSG:3857 base maps
  • OpenStreetMap maps show most public and established footpaths and trails

Participant tracking

  • Track your teams as they participate in events, ensuring their safety and monitoring progress
  • Manage waypoints for hikes and orienteeting events,
  • Allow participants to check into each waypoint using QR codes, geofencing or manned waypoints and more
  • Viewthe whole event progress, average and team segment times in an event-wide tracker

User privacy

Users and communities manage their own data and choose what they wish to share

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Complete control

  • Users of the mobile apps can participant in multiple communities
  • The end user controls what personal data they share with each community
  • The app clearly shows what data they are sharing
  • Users do not need to share any personal detail at all to communicate

Parental control

  • Control what communities your young person can join and whether they can sign up to events
  • Restrict what information a young person can share
  • View communctiies that the young person belongs to and events that they are signed up to
  • Participate in chat groups with a young person's community
  • Sign your young person up to new events



Online Scout Manager (OSM)

  • Link your existing OSM account to your Tangles Scout community
  • Populate your members, events and participants directly from OSM
  • Update OSM attendance records
  • Control what personal data is shared with Tangles

GPS Data exchange

  • Import and export waypoints and routes using GPX files
  • Import and export waypoints and routes using GeoJson files