Members can be added to a community in a number of ways. Tangles keeps a separate view of a member’s details to those held and controlled by the user themselves
As a community admin, you can add and edit the member details you hold. Alternatively if the user shares those details with the community, you can rely on the user’s own information.
You can create members manually regardless of whether a user exists for that member already. Both in the web interface and the mobile app, clicking on the ‘member list’ will allow you to add a new member.
As with a community, you can set a member profile icon by clicking on the member’s icon during creation or later on. For a member, it should be an identifiable image of the individual.
In the mobile app you can also add members directly from your device contact list. This option allows you to select multiple contacts at a time.
Tangles will complete the member detail based on what is available for each contact, including the profile image if there is one.
You must ensure that you have permission to use these.
In the mobile app you can also connect members by scanning their identity code if they have the app installed. To do this, from the community’s member list page, select ‘Add member from QR code’.
The user should browse in the Tangles app to their profile page and select ‘Show identity code' which the facilitator can then scan. In this case, the member is linked to their user account at the same time and they can start interacting with your community.
Unless you use the QR code method, to link your members with real Tangles users, you need to issue each member with an invite code which is shared as a nine digit alphabetic code or as a QR code. In the web interface, click on the link icon on the member’s profile page; in the app, tap on the member’s link status. In both cases you can also elect to send the user an email. Sending each user their own code is guaranteed to create a link between that user and your community.
You can also create a code that allows any user to sign up to your community. In the mobile app, tap on the ‘community code’ status in the community view. In the web interface, click on the 'link' action on the community page. Users that sign up with details that match members that you have created will automatically be linked to the correct member. Where there is no match, a new member is created and shows as ‘requested’ in the community member list.
If your account is linked to a third party system such as Online Scout Manager, you can configure Tangles to pull membership data from the external system.