Participants are added from a community’s existing members
From the web interface, navigate to the event and select ‘Total Participants’ from the right-hand status panel. Participants can be added or removed by dragging them between the relevant lists.
From the app you can view an event’s existing participants by tapping on the
'participants’ section in the event view. Swiping a participant left will remove them from the event unless they have already checked into a running event. Tapping on ‘Add new participant’ will show a list of existing members not registered for the event and also any reserve participants. Swiping the member to the right will add that member to the event.
From the event participant list in the app, you can also add participants by scanning their QR code, regardless of whether they are an existing community member or not. To do this, the participant navigates to their profile view and selects ‘Show my identity code’. The event facilitator taps on ‘Add from QR code’ on the participants list view and scans the users’ QR code.
If the user is already a member, they are added to the event. If they are not a member, a member is created and then added to this event. If the event is in enrolment state or is running, the facilitator is presented with the normal option to enrol or check in the new participant.
If you add teams to your events using existing community teams, members of the community teams are automatically added to the event.
If the membership of a community team changes prior to the event start, these changes are reflected automatically in any event that uses that team.