Controls for parents

Tangles allows parents / guardians to control whether a child can join and create communities and what information they can share with those communities. Parents can also participate in community chats.


Creating a parent relationship

A child account can be linked to a parent account when both individuals have the Tangles mobile app installed.

  1. On the child’s device, navigate to the user profile and click on the ‘show identity code’ button which will show a unique QR code.
  2. On the parent’s device, navigate to the user profile and click on the ‘Add child’ icon (iOS) or select ‘Add child’ from the menu (Android) and scan the QR code shown on the child's device.

Provided both users have their dates of birth set correctly, the parent-child relationship will be created and both users will be able to see this in their own profile page. Once configured as a parent, this allows a parent to view the child’s community memberships, upcoming events etc. A child can have multiple parents. Any community that the child belongs to can see this parent-child relationship.


Parental controls

To set permissions for the child, in both the mobile app and the web interface the parent should navigate to their own profile and select the child profile they wish to configure. From there, selecting the configuration icon or 'Edit' from the menu will allow configuration of the child account. The web interface also allows a parent to configure whether another parent can change the child’s permissions:

  1. Sign up to new communities. If this is not set, the parent must sign up on their behalf
  2. Create new communities of their own, provided they are over 13.
  3. Control the data they share with communities
  4. Add other parent accounts
  5. Allow communities to recover their account should they lose their primary device